Jumat, 09 Desember 2011

Al-Kindi (English Version)


Praise praise the authors dedicate the presence of Allah SWT. who has delegated His mercy and grace, so I can finish this paper with the good. Blessings and greetings goes to the Prophet Muhammad who was sent to be rahamat all the worlds. Along with that, do not forget to say thanks to the author of the supervisor who has provided motivation in completing this paper.
This paper describes the epistemology of al-Kindi. Al-Kindi is a name derived from the tribe from which the embryo bakalnya, namely Banu Kindah. Kindah are descendants of the tribe Banu Kindah which had always been located in the south Peninsula classified Arabyang have an appreciation of culture is quite high and much admired. Meanwhile, Al-Kindi's full name was Abu Yusuf Ya'qub ibn Ishaq ibn As-Shabbah Imron bin Isma'il al-Asy'ad bin Qays al-Kindi. Born in the year 185 H (801 M) in Kuffah. Her father Ishaq As-Shabbah Kuffah was governor during the reign of al-Mahdi and Harun al-Rashid of the sons of Abbas. His father died several years after al-Kindi was born.
The author realizes the shortcomings of this paper. Because "There is no ivory that is not crack." Therefore, the advice and input from various parties is very authors expect to improve this paper and hopefully with the completion of this paper can be useful to the reader.
